Women’s History Month – March
I am proud our district has supported so many women who serve our communities and represent our values. Our district is the home of Patty Murray, beginning when she first ran successfully for Shoreline School Board.
We are honored to be currently represented by Representatives Cindy Ryu and Lauren Davis, and locally endorsed Democrats, Mayor Kyoko Wright, Deputy Mayor Laura Mork, President Sara Betnel, Council members Alexis Mercedes Rinck, Cathy Moore, Betsy Robertson, Annette Ademasu, Jenna Nand, Chris Eck, and Susan Paine, and School Board members Carin Chase, Liza Rankin, Meghan Jernigan, Sarah Cohen, and Sylvia Gil.
Democratically yours,
Chair, 32nd LD Democrats

April 2, 2025 meeting
Draft Agenda
6:30 PM
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96775073456?pwd=SEdSSGE5RFIvQVdjTDkrZi8zdi9xZz09
Join via phone: (253) 205 0468 Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
- Call to Order 6:30 pm
- Motion to remove Robert Petersen as State Committee Member
- If passed, election of new State Committee Member (candidate must not identify as female)
- Both votes are PCO only votes
- Approval of the March Minutes
- 2025 Candidate Introductions
- Early Endorsements
- Resolutions
- Supporting Freedom of Conscience and the Principle of Separation of Church and State
- Calling on Members of Congress to Obstruct Trump
- Honoring Veterans and the Constitution of the United States
- Opposing Cuts to Social Security and Medicare
- Possible PCO appointments (King County form, Snohomish County form)

March 5th Membership Meeting
Facebook Live Video
Candidate Introductions
• Dionne Foster, Candidate for Seattle City Council, Position 9 (at-large)
• Nathan Rouse, Candidate for Seattle City Attorney
• Ryan Calkins, Candidate for Seattle Port Commission, Position 1
• George Hurst, Candidate for Mayor of Lynnwood
• Neil Weiss, Candidate for Edmonds Municipal Court Judge
New Business
• Carin Chase, State Committee Person: I move that Robert Petersen be removed as 32nd LD Democrats State Committee Person. Seconded with 10% of PCOs signing the petition.
• Chris Roberts, Chair: I nominate Gray Petersen as our Labor Chair. Seconded and appointed without objection.
• Chris Roberts, Chair: I appoint these individuals as voting members of the Endorsement Committee—William Paige, Marguerite Dekker, Alan Charnley, Julie Kang, Hammad Hashmi, Stephanie Harris. I appoint these members as non-voting members of the Endorsement Committee: Ted Hikel (Sno Co rep), Pat Weber (King Co rep), Lillian Hawkins (King Co rep), Chris Roberts (King Co rep). Seconded and appointed without objection.
• Sally Soriano, PCO Committee: These individuals have submitted their paperwork and I move they be approved as PCOs: Annette Ademasu, Nick Coelho, Linda Grimsson, Sally Soriano. Seconded and approved without objection.
• Resolution Supporting Freedom of Conscience and the Principle of Separation of Church and State (for consideration at our April 2 monthly meeting). Submitted by Sen. Maralyn Chase
• Good of the Order

Join us Wednesday, March 5,
for our monthly meeting on Zoom—
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96775073456?pwd=SEdSSGE5RFIvQVdjTDkrZi8zdi9xZz09
Join via phone: (253) 205 0468 Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
Draft Agenda
Call to Order 6:30 pm
• Approval of the February Minutes
• 2025 Candidate Introductions
New Business
• Ratification of Committee Chairs and Members
• Resolution for Consideration at April 2 monthly meeting—Freedom of Conscience and the Principle of Separation of Church and State
• Possible PCO appointments (King County form, Snohomish County form)
> Annettee Ademasu, SHL 3705, Acting PCO
> Nick Coelho, LYNN 36, Appointed PCO
> Linda Grimsson, SHL 1101, Appointed PCO
> Sally Soriano, SEA 2216, Acting PCO
Democratically yours,
Chair, 32nd District Democrats

Seattle and Shoreline voters—
Here are the impressive official results of the
February 11th Special Election!
191,007 ballots counted; 38.12%
Registered Voters: 501,214
City of Seattle – Social Housing
Proposition Nos. 1A and 1B
Yes: 72.99% *
No: 27.01%
Proposition Nos. 1A and 1B (continued)
Proposition 1A: 63.13% *
Proposition 1B: 36.87%
191,157 ballots counted; 38.11%
Registered Voters: 501,633
Seattle School District No. 1
Proposition No. 1 – Operations
Yes: 81.98% *
No: 18.02%
Proposition No. 2 – Construction
Yes: 75.78% *
No: 24.22%
Ballots Counted: 20,659; 30.82%
Registered Voters: 67,029
Special Purpose District
Proposed Shoreline Fire Department Regional Fire Authority
Proposition No. 1
Yes: 67.51% *
No: 32.49%
* Endorsed by the 32nd LD Democrats
For more info, see King County Elections, here.

February 5 meeting
Draft Agenda
6:30 PM
Please join us at our first meeting of the year, Wednesday, February 5 (Zoom at 6:30 pm).
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96775073456?pwd=SEdSSGE5RFIvQVdjTDkrZi8zdi9xZz09
Join via phone: (253) 205 0468 Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
• Call to Order 6:30 pm
➣ Approval of December Meeting Minutes
➣ 2025 Candidate Introductions
• Election of Officers
➣ King County Committee Member*
➣ Snohomish County Committee Member (x2 of different genders)*
➣ Secretary
➣ Treasurer
• Presentations & Endorsements for Consideration
➣ Seattle Housing Levy, Yes and 1A – Suresh Chanmugam, Campaign Steering Committee, House Our Neighbors
➣ Seattle Schools’ Levies, Props 1 & 2 – Sai Ellis, Campaign Manager, Schools First!
➣ Shoreline Regional Fire Authority – Matt Cowan (Chief), Shoreline Fire Department
• Ratification of Committee Chairs and Members
• Resolution
➣ Require an Environmental Impact Statement for the Port of Seattle Sustainable Airport Master Plan – Submitted by: Lael White, Environmental Caucus
• Possible PCO appointments (King County form, Snohomish County form)
*PCO only vote
Democratically yours,
Chair, 32nd District Democrats

For an overview of each ballot measure, see Feb 11, Special Election at tab above or here.
Open Executive Board Positions
We are still looking to round out our Executive Board for 2025-2026. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions, which will be elected or ratified at our meeting on February 5.
• Snohomish County Committee Member (x2)
➣ Represent the 32nd LD at monthly Snohomish County Democratic Party meetings
➣ Elected by the membership
• Snohomish County Endorsement Committee
➣ Serve on the Snohomish County Democrats endorsement committee.
➣ Multiple meetings between March and May
➣ Appointed by the Chair
• King County Committee Member
➣ Represent the 32nd LD at monthly King County Democratic Party meetings
➣ Elected by the membership
• King County Endorsement Committee
➣ Serve on the King County Democrats endorsement committee.
➣ Multiple meetings between March and May
• Treasurer
➣ File monthly reports with the PDC
➣ Can have an assistant treasurer
➣ Elected by the membership
• Secretary
➣ Take minutes at our monthly meetings
➣ Elected by the membership
• Communications Chair
➣ Help manage and produce content for the 32nd social media pages
➣ Draft emails 2x month to send to the membership
➣ Recruit a team to help
➣ Appointed by the chair, ratified by the membership
• Programs Chair
➣ Develop monthly in person meetups for member of the 32nd
➣ Recruit a team to help
➣ Appointed by the chair, ratified by the membership
• Endorsements committee
➣ Interview candidates running for local offices in the 32nd LD
➣ Multiple meetings between now and June
➣ Appointed by the chair, ratified by the membership
Please let Chair Chris Roberts know if you are interested in these executive board positions:
Yearly Membership Dues
Please pay your Membership Dues for 2025.
Family – $32
Individual – $20
Seniors/Students/Low Income – $5/person
Only members can vote and serve on committees, including the endorsement committee.
Individuals seeking a waiver or reduction of dues must contact the Chair, Chris Roberts: chris.roberts@32democrats.org
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 — Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Next Monthly Meeting
32nd District Democrats
Wednesday, February 5, 6:30 pm on Zoom
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96775073456?pwd=SEdSSGE5RFIvQVdjTDkrZi8zdi9xZz09
Join via phone: (253) 205 0468 Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
Help us organize and build a strong Democratic Party
Become an officer
Organizations, like the 32nd District Democrats depend on volunteers to build the organization, plan events, and recruit new members. In 2025, we will be working to elect Democrats who reflect our values on our city councils and school boards.
At this point, we still have many executive board positions vacant – and I hope that you consider filling a role.
Open Executive Board Positions
Snohomish County Committee
• Represent the 32nd LD at monthly Snohomish County Democratic Party meetings
• Elected by the membership
Snohomish County Endorsement Committee
• Serve on the Snohomish County Democrats endorsement committee.
• Multiple meetings between March and May
• Appointed by the Chair
King County Committee
• Represent the 32nd LD at monthly King County Democratic Party meetings
• Elected by the membership
King County Endorsement Committee
• Serve on the King County Democrats endorsement committee.
• Multiple meetings between March and May
• File monthly reports with the PDC
• Can have an assistant treasurer
• Elected by the membership
• Take minutes at our monthly meetings
• Elected by the membership
Communications Chair
• Help manage and produce content for the 32nd social media pages
• Draft emails 2x month to send to the membership
• Recruit a team to help
• Appointed by the chair, ratified by the membership
Programs Chair
• Develop monthly in person meetups for member of the 32nd
• Recruit a team to help
• Appointed by the chair, ratified by the membership
Endorsements committee
• Interview candidates running for local offices in the 32nd LD
• Multiple meetings between now and June
• Appointed by the chair, ratified by the membership
Please let me know if you are interested in these executive board positions. For elected positions, these will be elected at our February meeting.
Yearly Membership Dues
Please pay your Membership Dues for 2025.
Family – $32
Individual – $20
Seniors/Students/Low Income – $5/person
Only members can vote and serve on committees, including the endorsement committee.
Individuals seeking a waiver of dues must contact the Chair.
Democratically yours,
Chair, 32nd District Democrats

Winter Holiday Party and Reorganization Meeting
Wednesday, December 4, 5-8:00 pm
Congratulations to our new officers for 2024-2025
Chair: Christopher Roberts
1st Vice Chair: Cathy Baylor
2nd Vice Chair: Lillian Beatrice Hawkins
State Committee Members: Carin Chase and Robert Petersen
Re-org and holiday cheer at LD 32
Photos by Lael White

Winter Holiday Party and Reorganization Meeting
Wednesday, December 4
Potluck at 5-8:00 pm
Meeting at 6:30 pm, in-person and on Zoom
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96775073456?pwd=SEdSSGE5RFIvQVdjTDkrZi8zdi9xZz09
Call in Number: 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma), Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
Our 2024 Winter potluck and reorganization meeting will be on Wednesday, December 4 at the Ballinger Senior Center in Mountlake Terrace. I hope you are able to attend in person or on Zoom and meet fellow Democrats who are willing to serve on the front lines to protect our rights and freedoms.
Reorganization Meeting
The PCOs elected in August will elect our chair, first vice chair, second vice chair, and 2 state committee members. All members are eligible to run for these positions.
People will be able to participate and vote via Zoom. However, functionality online will likely be limited.
Agenda – begins at 6:30 pm
• Welcome and introduction
• Election of Chair
• Election of 1st Vice Chair
• Election of 2nd Vice Chair
• Election of State Committee members
Per our bylaws
1. PCOs, elected in August, will elect our chair, first vice chair, second vice chair, and 2 state committee members. Other officers will be elected in 2025.
2. All members are eligible to run for these positions.
3. Candidates for chair have up to five minutes to speak. Candidates for other positions have up to 3 minutes to speak.
4. A question-and-answer period will follow any nomination speeches for each position.
5. The first vice-chair must be of a different gender than the chair. The second vice-chair must be from a different county than the first vice-chair or chair. The state committee members must be of differing genders.
Potluck Information
• Please bring your favorite dish or non-alcoholic beverage to share.
• Folk Voice Band will perform.
• A kid’s game corner will be provided.
• If you would like to volunteer for set up, please come after 3:30 pm.
Chris Roberts
Chair, 32nd LD
Contribute here to support the 32nd LD Democrats

November 32nd LD Meeting
November 6, 6:30 pm
Draft Agenda
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96775073456?pwd=SEdSSGE5RFIvQVdjTDkrZi8zdi9xZz09
Call in Number: 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
1) Call to order – 6:30 pm
2) Adoption of October meeting minutes
3) Discussion of 2024 Reorganization (December 4 at the Lake Ballinger Senior Center in MLT)
4) Close official meeting
5) Discussion of 2024 election results (open to all)
Chris Roberts
Chair, 32nd LD
Election Night Party!
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 4:00 pm, $5
Aurora Borealis Restaurant/Event Center, Shoreline
16708 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline 98133

32nd District Democrats Endorsed Candidates
November 5 General Election

2024 Endorsements with Web Links
November 5 General Election
✔ President, Kamala Harris
✔ Vice-President, Tim Walz
✔ U.S. Senator, Maria Cantwell
✔ U.S. Congressional District 1, Suzan DelBene
✔ U.S. Congressional District 2, Rick Larsen
✔ U.S. Congressional District 7, Pramila Jayapal
✔ Governor, Bob Ferguson
✔ Lt. Governor, Denny Heck
✔ Treasurer, Mike Pellicciotti
✔ Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal
✔ Insurance Commissioner, Patty Kuderer
✔ Lands Commissioner, Dave Upthegrove
✔ Attorney General, Nick Brown
✔ State Auditor, Pat McCarthy
✔ Secretary of State, Steve Hobbs
✔ State Representative, Position 2, Lauren Davis
✔ State Supreme Court, Position 2, Sal Mungia
✔ State Supreme Court, Position 9, Sheryl Gordon McCloud
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 12, Whitney Rivera
✔ King County Superior Court Judge, Position 41, Paul Crisalli
✔ King County District Court, Shoreline, Position 1, Raul Martinez
✔ Seattle City Council, Position 8, Alexis Mercedes Rinck
✔ Snohomish County PUD Commissioner, Position 2, Amber King
✔ Oppose Initiative 2117
✔ Oppose Initiative 2124
✔ Oppose Initiative 2109
✔ Oppose Initiative 2066

October 2nd Membership Meeting
Video: facebook.com/32democrats.org/videos/1063965705111596
• Remembering Dean Fournier (October 17, 1934 – July 22, 2024), longtime 32nd Dems member
• Happy 100th Birthday President Jimmy Carter (October 1, 1924)
Endorsements approved by the body
• President, Kamala Harris
• Vice-President, Tim Walz
• Snohomish County PUD Commissioner, Position 2, Amber King
Election Night Party
• Please share our election night party details with your friends, family, and neighbors. All ages welcome
Good of the Order
~ Thanks Rosamaria Graziani for your live English-Spanish translation of this meeting. ~

32nd LD Meeting Draft Agenda
Wednesday, October 2, 6:30 pm, on Zoom
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96775073456?pwd=SEdSSGE5RFIvQVdjTDkrZi8zdi9xZz09
Call in Number 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
• Approval of September Minutes
• Consideration of Endorsements
>President: Kamala Harris
>Vice President: Tim Walz
>Keep Seattle Moving
>Snohomish County PUD Commissioner, Position 2, Amber King
• Discussion of I-2117 by PCO Jonathan Chen
• Good of the Order
Chris Roberts
Chair, 32nd LD

September 4th Membership Meeting
Video: https://www.facebook.com/32democrats.org/videos/824014622877748
• Candidate Sal Mungia, State Supreme Court, Position 2
• Sai Ellis, Field Organizer, State Democrats Coordinated Campaign
• Kirk Hovenkotter, Transportation Choices and Johanna Lundahl, Campaign Manager, Keep Seattle Moving Levy
Coordinated Campaign for Harris/Walz
• Find a volunteer opportunity near you to help elect Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and Democrats up and down the ballot.
Elected Officials — Updates
• State Senator Jesse Salomon
• Lynnwood City Council Member David Parshall
• Edmonds City Council Member Jenna Nand
• Vice-President Edmonds School Board Carin Chase
Good of the Order
~ Thanks Rosamaria Graziani for your live
English-Spanish translation of this meeting. ~

Donate to Vice President Harris Now
Harris 100 Day Toolkit
’24 Democratic Party Platform

32nd LD Democrats Membership Meeting
Wednesday, September 4, 6:30 pm on Zoom.
via Zoom
Call in Number 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
September Meeting
Draft Agenda
• Adoption of August Meeting Minutes
• Guest Speaker State Supreme Court, Position 2, Sal Mungia
• Consideration of endorsements
Seattle Proposition 1– Keep Seattle Moving
The Keep Seattle Moving Levy– is an 8-year, renewed investment in our city’s mobility, safety, and sustainability.
• Presentation from the WA Coordinated Campaign
• PCO Appointments
• Good of the Order
Chris Roberts
Chair, 32nd LD

Donate to Vice President Harris Now
Harris 100 Day Toolkit
’24 Democratic Party Platform

August 7th Membership Meeting
Video: https://www.facebook.com/32democrats.org/videos/356041180881178
Endorsements approved by the body:
• Alexis Mercedes Rinck, Seattle City Council, Position 8 (at-large)
• Paul Crisalli, King County Superior Court Judge, Position 41
• Oppose Initiative 2117
• Oppose Initiative 2124
• Oppose Initiative 2109
• Oppose Initiative 2066
Official Party nominees:
• State Representative Cindy Ryu, Position 1
• State Representative Lauren Davis, Position 2
Adopted Resolution
Level the Medicare Playing field to Save Our Medicare from Total Privatization – Submitted by France Giddings
PCO Appointments
• Vivian Korneliussen – SHL 32-0462
• Kathryn Ozog – SHL 32-1197
The Evergreen State Fair is coming up in Monroe, August 22-September 2. The Snohomish County Democrats will again have their booth so please sign-up for a shift here.
~ Thanks Rosamaria Graziani for your live English-Spanish translation of this meeting. ~

2024 Endorsements
November 5th General Election
(as of August 14)
✔ U.S. Senator, Maria Cantwell
✔ U.S. Congressional District 1, Suzan DelBene
✔ U.S. Congressional District 2, Rick Larsen
✔ U.S. Congressional District 7, Pramila Jayapal
✔ Governor, Bob Ferguson
✔ Lt. Governor, Denny Heck
✔ Treasurer, Mike Pellicciotti
✔ Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal
✔ Insurance Commissioner, Patty Kuderer
✔ Lands Commissioner, Dave Upthegrove
✔ Attorney General, Nick Brown
✔ State Auditor, Pat McCarthy
✔ Secretary of State, Steve Hobbs
✔ State Representative, Position 2, Lauren Davis
✔ State Supreme Court, Position 2, Sal Mungia
✔ State Supreme Court, Position 9, Sheryl Gordon McCloud
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 12, Whitney Rivera
✔ King County Superior Court Judge, Position 41, Paul Crisalli
✔ King County District Court, Shoreline, Position 1, Raul Martinez
✔ Seattle City Council, Position 8, Alexis Mercedes Rinck
✔ Oppose Initiative 2117
✔ Oppose Initiative 2124
✔ Oppose Initiative 2109
✔ Oppose Initiative 2066

32nd LD Democrats Membership Meeting
August 7, 6:30pm on Zoom.
Draft Agenda
• Adoption of June Meeting Minutes
• Nominations (pending results of the August election – PCO only vote)
>State Representative, Position 1 – Cindy Ryu
>State Representative, Position 2 – Lauren Davis
• Consideration of endorsements
• Endorsement Committee Recommendations
>Superior Court Judge, pos 41: Paul Crisalli
>Seattle City Council District 8: Alexis Rinck and Saunatina Sanchez
>Initiative 2109 – Repeals the Capital Gain Tax
>Initiative 2117 – Repeals provisions of the Climate Commitment Act
>Initiative 2124 – Allows people to opt-out of the WA Cares Act
>Initiative 2066 – Repeals laws discouraging natural gas use
• Consideration of Resolutions
>Save Medicare from Total Privatization
• PCO Appointments
>Vivian Korneliussen – precinct SHL 32-0462
>Kathryn Ozog – precinct SHL 32-1197
• Good of the Order
Chris Roberts
Chair, 32nd LD

2024 Endorsed Candidates • August 6th Primary
Endorsed Candidates Web Links
Endorsed Candidates Downloadable Flyer File

32nd Democrats June Meeting
June 5, 2024 – 6:30PM
via Zoom
Call in Number 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
Looking for In-Person Events?
The 32nd LD meets the first Thursday of the month at Jerseys in Shoreline and the third Thursday of the month at Diamond Knot in Mountlake Terrace. Both establishments are family friendly.
And mark your calendars for our summer picnic – Sunday, July 7, 11 am – 1:30 pm, at City Park in Edmonds.
• 6:30 Call to order
• Approval of Minutes
> May 1, Monthly Meeting
> May 15, Special Endorsement Meeting
• Chris Reykdal, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Discussion of state funding and the decisions school districts are having to make given budget shortfalls.
• Consideration of Resolutions
> Calling for Democrats to Support Union Picket Lines
> Supporting Ranked-Choice Voting in Presidential Primaries
> In Support of Universal No-Cost School Meals
• Consideration of Budget Items
> $250 for a booth at the Evergreen State Fair
> Up to $2500 for September GOTV (based on new donations received before July 25, 2024)
> Up to $3000 for November GOTV (based on new donations received before October 25, 2024)
• Consideration of Sponsoring a Table at Lynnwood Pride Event
> Saturday, June 8, 10 am – 8 pm, Lynnwood Event Center (3711 196th St SW, Lynnwood 98036)
> Will feature Wizard of Oz theatre, games, a Cat Walk, contests for kids and adults, and community organization tables.
> $50 for 32nd LD Dems table + $50 for table decorations
• Candidate Introductions
• Good of the Order
• Adjourn
Chris Roberts
Chair, 32nd LD

32nd LD Democrats – 2024 Endorsements
(as of May 15)
✔ U.S. Senate, Maria Cantwell
✔ U.S. Congressional District 1, Suzan DelBene
✔ U.S. Congressional District 2, Rick Larsen
✔ U.S. Congressional District 7, Pramila Jayapal
✔ Governor, Bob Ferguson
✔ Lt. Governor, Denny Heck
✔ Treasurer, Mike Pellicciotti
✔ Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal
✔ Insurance Commissioner, Patty Kuderer
✔ Lands Commissioner, Dave Upthegrove
✔ Attorney General, Dual Endorsement: Nick Brown, Manka Dhingra
✔ State Auditor, Pat McCarthy
✔ Secretary of State, Steve Hobbs
✔ State Representative, Position 2, Lauren Davis
✔ State Supreme Court, Position 2, Sal Mungia
✔ State Supreme Court, Position 9, Sheryl Gordon McCloud
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 3, Cindy Larsen
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 4, Edirin Okoloko
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 9, Karen Moore
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 12, Whitney Rivera
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 13, Jennifer Langbehn
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 14, Paul Thompson
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 15, Bruce Weiss
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 17, Patrick Moriarty
✔ King County Superior Court, Position 26, David Keenan
✔ King County Superior Court, Position 39, Joe Campagna
✔ King County District Court, Shoreline, Position 1, Raul Martinez
✔ Snohomish County PUD Commissioner, Position 2, Micah Rowland

32nd LD Democrats
Candidates Endorsed at Special Endorsement Meeting
May 15, 2024
✔ State Supreme Court, Position 2, Sal Mungia
✔ Insurance Commissioner, Patty Kuderer
✔ Lands Commissioner, Dave Upthegrove
✔ Attorney General, Dual Endorsement: Nick Brown, Manka Dhingra
✔ U.S. Senate, Maria Cantwell
✔ U.S. Congressional District 2, Rick Larsen
✔ U.S. Congressional District 1, Suzan DelBene
✔ State Auditor, Pat McCarthy
✔ Secretary of State, Steve Hobbs
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 3, Cindy Larsen (Elected)
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 9, Karen Moore (Elected)
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 12, Whitney Rivera
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 15, Bruce Weiss (Elected)
✔ King County District Court, Shoreline, Position 1, Raul Martinez
✔ Snohomish County PUD Commissioner, Position 2, Micah Rowland
See complete list of our 2024 endorsed candidates here.

Special Endorsement Meeting
Wed, May, 15, 6:30 pm, on Zoom
32nd District Democrats
Please plan to come out to our endorsement meeting to support your favorite candidates. Then come out to Diamond Knot in MLT Thursday evening, 6:30 pm, to talk about how we can help our candidates win in November.
32nd District Democrats Special Endorsement Meeting
May 15, 2024 – 6:30PM via Zoom
Telephone +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) – Webinar ID: 831 2034 4364 – Passcode: 038564
Times very tentative
6:00 Open meeting on Zoom
6:30 Call to order – overview of process
6:35 Slate of endorsed candidates
State Supreme Court Justice, Pos 2 – Sal Mungia
Snohomish County Superior Court, Pos 3 – Cindy Larsen (Elected)
Snohomish County Superior Court, Pos 9 – Karen Moore (Elected)
Snohomish County Superior Court, Pos 12 – Whitney Rivera
Snohomish County Superior Court, Pos 15 – Bruce Weiss (Elected)
King Co District Court, Shoreline, Pos 1 – Raul Martinez
6:40 Insurance Commissioner
*nominations to come from the floor
6:50 Attorney General
Recommended – Nick Brown
*additional nominations to come from the floor
7:10 Lands Commissioner
Recommended – Patrick DePoe
*additional nominations to come from the floor
7:30 Other statewide races
US Senator
Secretary of State
* nominations to come from the floor
7:50 Congressional (CD 1, CD 2)
* nominations to come from the floor
8:20 Legislative District Pos. 1, Pos. 2.**
*If questionnaire is received
* nominations to come from the floor
**The District has already endorsed Rep. Davis
8:30 Other endorsements, PCO appointments
8:40 Good of the Order
Adjourn – End of Agenda
Note – We will consider Seattle City Council positions at a future meeting. All candidates must submit a questionnaire to be eligible for endorsement.
Chris Roberts
Chair, 32nd LD
Previously endorsed candidates
✔ Congressional Representative, Pramila Jayapal
✔ Governor Bob Ferguson
✔ Lt. Governor, Denny Heck
✔ Treasurer, Mike Pellicciotti
✔ Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal
✔ State Representative, Position 2, Lauren Davis
✔ State Supreme Court, Position 9, Sheryl Gordon McCloud
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 17, Patrick Moriarty
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 4, Edirin Okoloko
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 13, Jennifer Langbehn
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 14, Paul Thompson
✔ King County Superior Court, Position 26, David Keenan
✔ King County Superior Court, Position 39, Joe Campagna
PCO Filing Report
Final 32nd PCO Filing, 5.10.24 – 98 candidates filed for 89 positions
Forgot to file – you will be reminded to be appointed at our December meeting.
Thanks to everyone who filed
to be a PCO candidate!

PCO Filing Week May 6-10
Here Are The PCO Filing Results
• PCO candidates with no opponent have been elected.
• PCO candidates with an opponent will be on the Aug. 6 primary ballot.
• King County – Candidates
• Snohomish County – Candidates
How to become an Appointed or Acting PCO
Even though PCO filing for “Elected” PCOs has closed, there are still opportunities to engage your neighbors and turn out the vote as a PCO. You can become a 32nd LD Democrats’ “Appointed” PCO or “Acting” PCO. For help with this process, contact: pco@32democrats.org, or follow these steps: here.
The next filing week for “Elected” PCOs will be in May, 2026.

Deadline to File to Run for National Delegate
Sunday, May 12, by 5:00 pm
National delegate candidates must identify as a Democrat and be able to vote in November. Individuals wishing to run for National Delegate can do so HERE.

We will hear from candidates running to represent you after this November’s election. Also, learn why we need you to serve as a precinct committee officer for your precinct.
May 1, 2024 Meeting Draft Agenda
6:30 pm Zoom
Call in Number 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
• Call to order, 6:30 pm
* Approval of April Meeting Minutes
• 2024 Candidates Introductions (timing at the discretion of the chair)
We have lots of candidates running for open seats for Governor, Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands, and Insurance Commissioner. Candidates will have up to three minutes to speak, followed by questions from members.
2024 Calendar
- Membership meetings – First Wednesday of each month on Zoom, 6:30 pm
- Monthly King County meet-up: First Thursday of each month at Jerseys, Shoreline 6:30 pm (1125 N 152nd St off Aurora)
- Monthly Snohomish County meet-up: Third Thursday of each month at Diamond Knot Brewpub@MLT, 6:30 pm (5602 232nd St SW)
May 12, 5:00pm – Deadline to run for National Delegate, register HERE.
May 15 – Special Meeting – Consideration of Endorsements (Zoom)
May 18 – Congressional District Caucus
June 21-23 – State Democratic Party Convention, Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue (in-person & on Zoom)
July – Picnic
August 6 – August Primary Election
August 19-22 – Democratic Party Convention, Chicago
November 7 – General Election
December – Holiday Potluck
Chris Roberts, Chair

Washington State Delegate Election
Congratulations to our 32nd LD elected delegation based on results from the April 6 election.
Our initial delegation meeting will be on Sunday, April 28, 1:00 pm, on Zoom.
Hon. Maralyn Chase (Esperance)
Hon. Heather Fralick (Shoreline)
France Giddings (Shoreline)
Rosamaria Graziani (Lynnwood)
Steph Harris (Esperance)
Lillian Hawkins (Shoreline)
Marylyn Hawkins (Shoreline)
Winona Hollins-Hauge (Shoreline)
Julie Kang (Seattle)
Afshan Khan (Lynnwood)
Sarah Leon (Seattle)
Councilmember Shirley Sutton (Lynnwood)
Lael White (Mountlake Terrace)
Raul Bringas (Lynnwood)
Jerry Cronk (Shoreline)
Joe Cunningham (Shoreline)
Clark Fralick (Shoreline)
Hammad Hashmi (Shoreline)
William Paige Jr (Mountlake Terrace)
Juan Peralez (Lynnwood)
Robert Petersen (Lynnwood)
Otonye Robert (Mountlake Terrace)
Eric Scheir (Shoreline)
Chase Simerka (Esperance)
Forrest Taylor (Shoreline)
Carol McMahon (Lynnwood)
Vivian Korneliussen (Shoreline)
Patricia Weber (Shoreline)
Marguerite Dekker (Mountlake Terrace)
Deputy Mayor Laura Mork (Shoreline)
Gary McCaig (Lynnwood)
Councilmember David Parshall (Lynnwood)
Councilmember Josh Binda (Lynnwood)
Michael Brunson (Shoreline)
Thomas White (Mountlake Terrace)
Our elected delegates will vote on candidates running for national delegate and participate in the State Democratic Party Convention, that will be held in Bellevue, Washington on June 21st-23rd at the Meydenbauer Center, and virtually. One of the biggest things the State Convention will accomplish is passing a 2024 State Party Platform.

Individuals wishing to run for National Delegate can do so do so here. The deadline to file to run for National Delegate is May 12 at 5:00 pm. National delegate candidates must identify as a Democrat and be able to vote in November.
The elected delegates will join the automatic delegates to the State Convention:
• All Washington State Democratic Central Committee members
• All DNC members residing in Washington State
• County and Legislative District Organization Chairs and Vice Chairs
• Democratic Members of Congress from Washington State
• Democratic Statewide Elected Officials
• Democratic State Senators and Representatives
Chris Roberts, Chair

Early Endorsed Candidate
32nd LD Democrats – April 3, 2024
(by suspension of Endorsement Rule 7A)
✔ Governor, Bob Ferguson
Early Endorsed Candidates
32nd LD Democrats – March 6, 2024
✔ Congressional Representative, Pramila Jayapal
✔ Lt. Governor, Denny Heck
✔ Treasurer, Mike Pellicciotti
✔ Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal
✔ State Representative, Position 2, Lauren Davis
✔ State Supreme Court, Position 9, Sheryl Gordon McCloud
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 17, Patrick Moriarty
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 4, Edirin Okoloko
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 13, Jennifer Langbehn
✔ Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 14, Paul Thompson
✔ King County Superior Court, Position 26, David Keenan
✔ King County Superior Court, Position 39, Joe Campagna

Ballot Q&A
Washington State Delegate Election
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Some Basics
What will I be voting on?
You will be voting for our delegates to the 2024 Washington State Democratic Convention, which will take place in Bellevue, from June 21-23.
Who are the candidates?
We have a vibrant group running for delegate, and we’d love for you to take a look so that we can ensure a diverse and dynamic group is selected to represent us:
Who is eligible to vote?
Members of the 32nd LD Democrats as of March 31st, including precinct committee officers, are eligible to vote for our state delegates.
How do I get my ballot?
The Washington State Democratic Party emailed a digital ballot to you that went live at 10:00am this Saturday, April 6.
When is the voting deadline?
You must submit your ballot no later than 9:00am on Sunday, April 7. You are urged to vote as soon as possible after you receive your ballot, in case you have any problems and need to ask for help.
Do I need a voting key?
Yes. The State Party assigned you a unique voting key. You will need to use that key when you vote. Contact chair@32democrats.org if you lost or never received your voter ID.
How many delegates will we elect?
The 32nd LD Democrats will elect 25 total delegates. All of those delegates are pledged for Joe Biden .
How many votes should I cast?
You are required to vote for exactly 25 delegates: It will not be possible to submit your ballot unless you cast exactly 25 votes. If you try to do so you will be prompted to make a correction first.
Will there be alternates?
Yes. The 32nd LD will be allowed 10 alternates. With consideration of gender parity (see next section), candidates with the next-highest vote counts after the delegate slots are filled will be designated as alternates.
About Gender Division
Do I need to consider gender when voting?
Yes. The 25 candidates you vote for must be equally divided between male and female. This means that the number of male and female candidates you vote for must not differ in number by more than 1 vote. (Note: Gender non-binary candidates do not affect the gender balance. You may vote for any number of non-binary candidates.)
What if I forget to equally divide votes between male and female candidates?
You will be prompted to verify your count as you proceed, and you will also need to check a confirmation box.
What if I submit my ballot but think I might have made a mistake?
If that happens you are encouraged to simply vote again. Only your most recent ballot will count.
What if I do all that and still submit a ballot with an incorrect breakdown?
If that happens, your ballot will be spoiled and will not count.
Uh oh. Then what?
The State Party will have a team checking ballots during the voting period. They will try to catch any errors and reach out to those voters to make corrections. However the best advice from the State Party is to count carefully in the first place, just to be on the safe side.
For significant issues, including suspected voting errors, please contact:
What if I have other questions during the voting period?
For general information during the voting period you may contact: chair@32democrats.org
If you are still stuck – text Chris Roberts 206.552.9160
About Diversity
Should I consider other kinds of diversity when voting?
Absolutely. We would like our delegation to fully reflect our community.
Do we have goals for a diverse representation?
Yes. The Affirmative Action goals provided for the 32nd LD Democrats follow below. (Note – we can achieve our diversity goals by selecting a young person who is also non-binary or a person who is living with disabilities and Asian American, for example.)
Hispanic/Latino: 4 people
Black: 4 people
Native American: 1 person
Asian American and Pacific Islander: 7 people
People w/ Disabilities: 8 people
LGBTQ+ (includes non-binary persons): 2 people
Youth (35 and under): 9 people
How do I know who falls into these categories?
At the bottom of each candidate profile you will see blue tag(s) listing any demographic information they have chosen to share publicly.
What about candidates who do not fall into any of these categories?
You are encouraged to carefully consider all of the candidates and vote for those you believe will best represent our community. Diversity should be an important component in your evaluations, along with other considerations.
What will happen if we do well on our Affirmative Action goals?
If we do well on meeting our Affirmative Action goals we will be awarded extra delegates, which will increase our representation across all demographics.
About Automatic Delegates
Are there some additional delegates who are not elected?
Yes. These are the automatic delegates to the State Convention:
• All Washington State Democratic Central Committee members
• All DNC members residing in Washington State
• County and Legislative District Organization Chairs and Vice Chairs
• Democratic Members of Congress from Washington State
• Democratic Statewide Elected Officials
• Democratic State Senators and Representatives
Do automatic delegates count against our total of 25 elected delegates?
No, they are separate.
For problems with voting process:

April 3, 2024
Meeting Draft Agenda
6:30 pm Zoom
Call in Number 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
• Call to order, 6:30
* Approval of March Meeting Minutes
* Endorsements – Consideration to suspend Endorsement Rule 7A. If motion passes, then consideration will be made to endorse Bob Ferguson for Governor.
• 2024 Delegate Speeches– All candidates who wish to represent the 32nd LD at the State Convention will be given 90 seconds to speak.
• 2024 Candidates Introductions (timing at the discretion of the chair)
We have lots of candidates running for open seats for Governor, Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands, and Insurance Commissioner. Candidates will have up to three minutes to speak, followed by questions from members.
Chris Roberts, Chair

Register today to run for delegate to the State Convention
March 6, 2024 Meeting Agenda
6:30 pm Zoom
Call in Number 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
• Call to order, 6:30
* Approval of February Meeting Minutes
• Endorsements for Consideration – Candidates eligible for early endorsement must be an incumbent seeking reelection, were previously endorsed by the 32nd LD, and have turned in a questionnaire.
Candidates eligible for consideration:
Rep. Pramila Jayapal
Lt. Gov Denny Heck
Treasurer Mike Pellicciotti
Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal
State Representative, Position 2 Lauren Davis
State Supreme Court Sheryl Gordon McCloud, Position 9
Snohomish County Superior Court Patrick Moriarty, Position 17
Snohomish County Superior Court Edirin Okoloko, Position 4
Snohomish County Superior Court Jennifer Langbehn, Position 13
Snohomish County Superior Court Paul Thompson, Position 14
King County Superior Court David Keenan, Position 26
King County Superior Court Joe Campagna, Position 39
• 32nd LD Platform Discussion
• 2024 Candidates Introductions (timing at the discretion of the chair)
We have lots of candidates running for open seats for Governor, Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands, and Insurance Commissioner. Candidates will have up to three minutes to speak, followed by questions from members.
Register today to run for delegate to the State Convention
In just a couple weeks, we begin the process of selecting our Democratic Party nominee for President. I have already turned in my ballot for the March 12 election.
Our Democratic Party process is people-oriented. PCOs and eligible members of the district will elect delegates to represent the 32nd LD at the State Convention, and those delegate will elect Washington’s representatives to the Democratic National Convention. The process is open to everyone who considers themself to be a Democrat.
That said, if you want to vote on our district’s delegation, you must pay your dues or ask me for a waiver or reduction of dues by the end of March.
We need help in the 32nd LD to help build our organization and help us get out the vote in November. Help rewrite our 32nd LD platform. Sign up here.
Our work, our success in 2024 depends on all of us doing our part to build a strong Democratic Party and support our Democratic candidates.
Chris Roberts, Chair
Become a delegate to the state and
national Democratic Party Conventions
1) The State Party will use the results from the presidential primary in March to determine presidential delegate allocations and preferences.
2) At our April 3 Monthly Meeting on Zoom, candidates for delegate will introduce themselves to the membership.
3) Then, in order to vote on April 6, online, for the 32nd LD delegation, individuals must be a PCO or a paid member of the 32nd LD by 5pm, March 31, 2024. Individuals may request a waiver of dues from the Chair (chris.roberts@32democrats.org) no later than 5pm, March 31, 2024.
4) Any person who identifies themself as a Democrat and resides in the 32nd District is eligible to run for delegate. Registration forms are here.
5) Read the entire 2024 Delegate Selection Plan
2024 32nd LD Delegation Goals
for the State Convention
- AAPI- 7
- Black – 4
- Hispanic/Latino – 4
- Enrolled Native American – 1
- Youth (under 35) – 9
- People with a disability – 8
- LGBTQ – 2
March — Women’s History Month

Upcoming 32nd LD Calendar
March 6 – 6:30 pm, Monthly Meeting, will consider early endorsements (Zoom)
March 7 – 6:30 pm, Drinking Liberally, Jersey’s, Shoreline
March 11 – Special Election: Snohomish Conservation District Board Election
March 12 – Presidential Preference Primary Election
March 21 – 6:30 pm, Drinking Liberally, Diamond Knot Brewpub, MLT
March 31 – 5:00 pm – Deadline to become a 32nd voting member for delegates at our April 3 meeting and deadline for filing to be a state delegate candidate
April 3 – 6:30 pm, Monthly Meeting, candidates for delegate will introduce themselves to the membership (Zoom)
April 4 – 6:30 pm, Drinking Liberally, Jersey’s, Shoreline

If you missed our general meeting Wed, Feb. 7,
here’s a meeting Recap with Facebook video links.
32nd LD Democrats Monthly Meeting
Wed, Feb. 7, 2024, 6:30 pm
• King Conservation District, Position #1
Candidate Erik Goheen (video at 1:42-8:22)
Candidate Brittney Bush Bollay (video at 1:39:15-2:09:45)
Both candidates are endorsed, a dual endorsement, by ballot vote.
• Edmonds School District Bond and Levy Measures, Prop 1 & Prop 2
(video at 9:10-16:32)
Prop 2, Levy: Supports student technology and technology infrastructure to prepare students for future jobs. This levy replaces an expiring levy.
Moved, seconded, endorsed by voice vote.
Prop 1, Bond: Four of the district’s oldest schools will be replaced with this construction bond, an essential middle school will be built.
Moved, seconded, endorsed by voice vote.
• Appointments: 32nd LD State Convention Committee Representatives
(video at 16:40-26:51)
Platform: Maralyn Chase – elected; other candidates: Jerry Cronk, Carol McMahon
Rules: Gray Petersen – elected
Credentials: Deborah Viertel – elected
• Candidate for Washington State Lands Commissioner
(video at 27:27-37:49)
Dave Upthegrove (currently a King County Council Member): When it comes to our public lands, environmental justice means: honoring and respecting tribal treaty rights; fighting to expand the co-management role of tribes; recognizing that climate change disproportionately impacts low-income communities.
• Candidate for Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction
(video at 37:52-46:55)
Chris Reykdal (Incumbent): The bottom line — we’ve never seen such a big cultural war and attack on education in our lives. I’m focused on 3 things: keeping our public schools public; fully funding our schools; and changing our learning standards with an additional focus on media literacy, digital literacy, and information literacy.
• Candidate for Snohomish County Conservation Board
(video at 47:08-58:18)
Bruce King: bruce@electbruceking.com
• Immigration and US/Mexican Border Issues
(video at 58:19-1:26:44)
King County Council Member Jorge L. Barón: We are operating with an outdated immigration system that we have not changed since the 1990s. The outdated legal pathways have created a backlog in the refugee system. And, we have seen some tremendous disruptions in places around the world which has led to more people leaving their countries to seek asylum in the U.S. These are our challenges.
• Candidate for Washington State Attorney General
(video at 1:26:46-1:38:50)
Elias Gonzalez, representing Candidate Manka Dhingra:. She is a decades long senior deputy prosecutor with a focus in mental health and domestic violence.
• Good of the Order
(video at 2:09:45-2:21:16)
Report from the 32nd LD Ad Hoc Committee on Public School Funding
Elizabeth Lunsford, PCO: There is a lot of misinformation out there about how our schools are funded. I’m looking into the Edmonds School District Citizen’s Guide to the Budget. Right now, levies are just making up the shortcomings of the state and the state needs to fix this.
• Draft Minutes, 32nd LD Monthly Meeting, Wed, Feb. 7, 2024
• Thanks Rosamaria Graziani for your live English-Spanish translation of this meeting.
Become a delegate to the state and
national Democratic Party Conventions
1) The State Party will use the results from the presidential primary in March to determine presidential delegate allocations and preferences.
2) At our April 3 Monthly Meeting on Zoom, candidates for delegate will introduce themselves to the membership.
3) Then, in order to vote on April 6, online, for the 32nd delegation, individuals must be a PCO or a paid member of the 32nd LD by 5pm, March 31, 2024. Individuals may request a waiver of dues from the Chair (chris.roberts@32democrats.org) no later than 5pm, March 31, 2024.
4) Any person who identifies themself as a Democrat and resides in the 32nd District is eligible to run for delegate. Pre-registration forms are at wademsdelegates.org
Happy Lunar New Year

Upcoming 32nd LD Calendar
Feb. 15 – 6:30 pm, Drinking Liberally, Diamond Knot Brewpub, MLT
Feb. 20 – 10:00 am, Deadline for requesting ballot for Snohomish Conservation District Board Election
March 6 – 6:30 pm, Monthly Meeting, will consider early endorsements (Zoom)
March 7 – 6:30 pm, Drinking Liberally, Jersey’s, Shoreline
March 11 – Special Election: Snohomish Conservation District Board Election
March 12 – Presidential Preference Primary Election
March 21 – 6:30 pm, Drinking Liberally, Diamond Knot Brewpub, MLT
March 31 – 5:00 pm – Deadline to become a 32nd LD voting member to elect delegates at our April 3 meeting and deadline for filing to be a state delegate candidate
April 3 – 6:30 pm, Monthly Meeting, candidates for delegate will introduce themselves to the membership
April 4 – 6:30 pm, Jersey’s, Shoreline

Reminder — Return your ballots today — Tues, Feb. 13 — by 8pm
Today is the deadline to return your ballot. Voters all across the 32nd LD have elections today – for King County voters, an online ballot to elect supervisors to the King Conservation District. In Snohomish County, voters are voting on a school bond and a school operations levy.
• King County residents vote online:
King Conservation District Supervisor, Position #1
Dual endorsement by the 32nd LD Democrats for candidates:
• Britteny Bush Bollay
• Erik Goheen
• Return your paper ballot:
Edmonds School District Levy and Bond
We urge you to vote YES! on Prop 1 & Prop 2.
Endorsed by the 32nd LD Democrats.
Also, if you want to help GOTV for Democrats and Democratic causes, consider making phone calls for Tom Suozzi, who is running to replace George Santos in Congress, picking up a Democratic seat in the US House. Locally, we support the efforts by Raise the Wage Renton and they have a GOTV phonebook at 4:00 pm.

Register today to run for delegate to the State Convention
Every four years, the 32nd LD, the State Democratic Party, and the National Democratic Party meet to adopt a platform and select our party’s nominee for President.
Our process is people-oriented. We will elect delegates to represent the district at the State Convention, and those delegates will elect Washington’s representatives to the Democratic National Convention. The Process is open to everyone who considers themself to be a Democrat. Preregister today.
We need help in the 32nd LD to make our process work. Help rewrite our 32nd LD platform. Sign up here. We also need members to serve on the State Party Rules, Credential, and Platform committees. Sign up here.
Our work, our success in 2024 depends on all of us doing our part to build a strong Democratic Party and support our Democratic candidates.
Chris Roberts, Chair

February 7, 2024 Meeting Agenda
6:30 pm Zoom
Call in Number: 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
• Call to order, 6:30
• Approval of January Meeting Minutes
• Candidates for King Conservation District (invited)
• Endorsements for Consideration
1) King County Conservation District
2) Edmonds School District, Bond
3) Edmonds School District, Capital/Technology Levy
• Election of Rules, Platform, and Credentials committee representative (indicate willingness to serve)
• King County Council Member Jorge L. Barón 7:30 pm – Immigration and the US/Mexican Border
• 2024 Candidates introductions (timing at the discretion of the chair)
We have lots of candidates running for open seats for Governor, Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands, and Insurance Commissioner. Candidates will have up to three minutes to speak, followed by questions from members
Vote in Elections Today
In Snohomish County, voters are voting on two measures in the Edmonds School District. The first measure is a construction bond that would replace (or build) five schools and make other improvements throughout the district and the measure is a replacement capital/technology levy.
In King County, voting is underway for the King County Conservation District. Voting is online only for this race.
We will consider endorsements for these races at our February 7 membership meeting.
Information for becoming a delegate to the state and national Democratic Party Convention
1) The State Party will use the results from the presidential primary in March to determine presidential delegate allocations and preferences.
2) At our April 3 Monthly Meeting candidates for delegate will introduce themselves to the membership
3) Then, in order to vote on April 6, online, for the 32nd delegation, individuals must be a PCO or a paid member of the 32nd LD before March 31, 5 pm. Individuals may request a waiver of dues from the Chair (chris.roberts@32democrats.org) no later than March 31, 5pm.
4) Any person who identifies themself as a Democrat and resides in the 32nd District is eligible to run for delegate. Pre-registration forms are provided at wa-democrats.org.
5) Read the entire 2024 Delegate Selection Plan
We need you
• Help rewrite our 32nd LD platform. Sign up here.
• Become the 32nd LD representative to: the State Party Rules Committee, Credentials Committee, or Platform Committee. Sign up here.
We Celebrate February 2024 as Black History Month

Life, legacy of Seattle civil rights leader Edwin Pratt honored 55 years after his assassination
Tentative 2024 Calendar
• Membership meetings – First Wednesday of each month on Zoom 6:30 pm
• Monthly King County meet-up: First Thursday of each month at Jerseys, Shoreline 6:30 pm (1125 N 152nd St off Aurora)
• Monthly Snohomish County meet-up: Third Thursday of each month at Diamond Knot Brewpub@MLT, 6:30 pm (5602 232nd St SW)
• Look for quarterly in-person meet-ups
• March 6 – Early Endorsements (Zoom)
• March 12 – Presidential Preference Primary
• April 3 – 6:30 pm, Monthly Meeting, candidates for delegate will introduce themselves to the membership (Zoom)
• May 15 – Special Meeting – Consideration of Endorsements (Zoom)
• May 18 – Congressional District Caucus
• June 22 – State Democratic Party Convention, Bellevue (in-person)
• August 1 – August Winnowing Election (primary)
• August 19-22 – Democratic Party Convention, Chicago
• November 7 – General Election
• December – Holiday Potluck

Happy New Year from the 32nd District Democrats
On behalf of the entire executive board, we wish you and your family a happy 2024.
Please pay attention to these emails in 2024 to make sure you do not miss important dates and information about campaigns, elections, and the 2024 caucuses and conventions.

Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
6:30 pm Zoom
Call in Number 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Webinar ID: 967 7507 3456
• Approval of November Meeting Minutes
• Discussion of Edmonds School District Prop 1 & Prop 2, on the February 13 ballot
• Resolutions for Consideration
1) Negotiations to End the War in Ukraine (from Sally Soriano and Brent McFarlane)
2) In Support of an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza (from Carin Chase)
3) Opposing Six ‘Let’s Go Washington’ Initiatives (from Carin Chase)
4) Support Lower Snake River Rail Development (from Lael White)
5) For Fircrest Historical Museum (from Janet Way)
• PCO Appointments
• Delia Veschi – SHL-1178
• Tom Fitzpatrick – SHL-0232
• Sarah León – SEA-2539
• Carl Larson – MLT-15
• Others?
• Good of the Order
Information for becoming a delegate to the state and national Democratic Party Conventions
1) The State Party will use the results from the presidential primary in March to determine presidential delegate allocations and preferences. Our April 3 Monthly 32nd LD Meeting will be the first step in electing delegates to the national convention in Chicago.
2) At our April 3 Monthly LD Meeting we will elect 25 delegates and 10 alternates to represent the district at the state convention and the congressional district caucuses.
3) In order to vote at the LD caucus, individuals must be a PCO or a paid member of the 32nd LD before March 31, 2024, 5 pm. Individuals may request a waiver of dues from the Chair no later than March 31, 2024, 5 pm. Contact the Chair at: chris.roberts@32democrats.org
4) Any person who identifies themself as a Democrat and resides in the 32nd District is eligible to run for delegate. Forms will be provided in 2024 at wa-democrats.org.
Tentative 2024 Calendar
• Membership meetings – first Wednesday of each month (Zoom)
• Look for quarterly in-person meet-ups
• Look for resumption of Drinking Liberally at local establishments
February 13 – Special Election
March 6 – Early Endorsements (Zoom)
March 12 – Presidential Preference Primary
April 3 – Monthly Meeting, delegates and alternates will be elected to the state convention (Zoom)
May 15 – Special Meeting – Consideration of Endorsements (Zoom)
May 18 – Congressional District Caucus
June 22 – State Democratic Party Convention, Bellevue (in-person)
August 6 – August Election (primary)
August 19-22 – Democratic Party Convention, Chicago
November 7 – General Election
December – Holiday Potluck