Helpful links for participating in the 2023 Legislative Session

  • Universal remote testimony: Because of COVID, the Legislature has expanded remote testimony capabilities so people can testify on any bill from anywhere. 

  • Submit written testimony: People can also submit written testimony on any bill scheduled for a public hearing. The written testimony system saves comments where committee members and staff can access and read it, and where committee staff will later place it in the committee file and archive it where it will be maintained as part of the public record.

    • Written testimony can be submitted at the same links used to sign-in for public testimony above.

  • Set up a Zoom with your legislator: People are encouraged to schedule Zoom meetings with their senators and representatives.

  • It’s all on TVW: As always, every committee meeting, floor session, press conference and special event will be broadcast at TVW.org.

Because of COVID, some innovations have been made to increase participation and transparency, especially in the area of universal remote testimony.