PCOs in the 32nd Legislative District
Want to get more involved with grassroots Democratic Party politics in your neighborhood? Then become a Precinct Committee Officer (PCO), the Party representative for your precinct.
PCOs can be a main source of information for voters and can help educate undecided voters:
• Before the Primary Election in August and the General Election in November, PCOs work to turn out voters to keep good Democrats in office.
• PCOs are also vital to the running of the 32nd Legislative District Democrats as they elect leadership, fill vacancies in elected office, and lead their precinct caucus every two years.
There are 3 ways to become a PCO:
1. Election by the voters in your precinct, bi-annually (every two years), to become an “elected” PCO.
2. 32nd LD Democrats can fill the PCO precinct vacancy, in the precinct in which you live, by electing you to become an “appointed” PCO.
3. 32nd LD Democrats can fill a PCO precinct vacancy, near to where you live, by electing you to be an “acting” PCO.
You can contact us at pco@32democrats.org and we will assist you with this PCO process or just follow the steps outlined below.
1. “Elected” PCO
You must be elected every two years by the voters in your precinct to be its “elected” PCO. Democratic voters in each precinct elect PCOs in the August Primary, for a two-year term.
The next filing period, to become an “elected” PCO will be May, 2026.
2. “Appointed” PCO
If the precinct where you live does not have a PCO, you can fill the vacancy.
The 32nd LD Democrats have the right fill any PCO seats left vacant, either because no one filed to run, or because the “elected” PCO has stepped down. If your precinct is vacant, the 32nd District Chair can recommend you to serve as an “appointed” PCO, in your precinct, starting immediately.
3. “Acting” PCO
If the the precinct where you live does have a PCO, you can fill a vacancy in a nearby precinct.
If your precinct already has a PCO, the 32nd District Chair can recommend you to serve, in a precinct you do not live in, as an “acting” PCO. “Acting” PCOs, however, do not have PCO voting rights in the 32nd District Democrat’s elections. Both “elected” and “appointed” PCOs do have voting rights.
“Elected,” “Appointed” and “Acting” PCOs all serve two-year terms.
Here’s the WA State Democrats PCO Handbook–English
Here’s the WA State Democrats PCO Handbook–Spanish
Steps to Become an “Appointed” or “Acting” PCO
First, you must be a registered voter, by either:
1. Online, with your name and birth date at: https://voter.votewa.gov/WhereToVote.aspx
2. By mail: https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/print-voter-registration-forms.aspx
Second, find your precinct number on the Washington Secretary of State website: https://voter.votewa.gov/WhereToVote.aspx
1. At Register to Vote / My Voting Information, input your name and birth date; then SUBMIT
2. Click on “Menu” in blue box, top left of screen
3. Scroll down and click on: “My Elected Officials”
4. Go past all elected officials to the end to find your precinct #: PRECINCT 32-
find your precinct number on either the Snohomish or the King County 32nd Legislative District map:
•. King County (Shoreline, Seattle)
• Snohomish County (Edmonds, Lynnwood, Woodway, Mountlake Terrace, unincorporated areas)
Third, determine your precinct status— does it have a PCO already or is it vacant? Email pco@32democrats.org with your precinct number. A 32nd PCO coordinator will let you know the current status of your precinct.
Fourth, if your precinct is vacant, you can apply to become an “appointed” PCO and your application will be considered at the next 32nd LD Meeting:
1. Fill out either the King County PCO Form (Seattle, Shoreline)
or the Snohomish County PCO Form (Edmonds, Lynnwood, Woodway, Mountlake Terrace, unincorporated areas)
2. Email your completed form to: pco@32democrats.org and to chair@32democrats.org
Fifth, if your precinct has a PCO, you can apply to become an “acting” PCO for a vacant precinct. The 32nd PCO coordinator will let you know which nearby vacant precincts are available. You will then need to choose a specific precinct and fill out your county form, applying to become an “acting” PCO. Your application will be considered at the next 32nd LD Meeting:
1. Fill out either the King County PCO form (Seattle, Shoreline)
or the Snohomish County PCO Form (Edmonds, Lynnwood, Woodway, Mountlake Terrace, unincorporated areas)
2. Email your completed form to: pco@32democrats.org and to chair@32democrats.org
Any questions? Please contact us at: pco@32democrats.org