Monthly Meetings—
1st Wednesday of the month
6:30 pm, via Zoom
Monthly Meetings
At our monthly meetings we hear from guest speakers, elected officials, candidates, members presenting resolutions, and members making statements or offering observations — good of the order. And, we endorse candidates for the primary and general elections. Everyone is welcome, however, only members are eligible to vote. Sign up to receive an agenda in our newsletter here.
Executive and Endorsement Committee Meetings
Our Executive Board meets once a month on the third Wednesday of the month. Our Endorsement Committee meets twice a month, on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, March-August. These committee meetings are open to members. See Calendar for meeting dates/times. Request a Zoom link here, for either of these committee meetings.
Join Us for Meet-Ups
• Monthly Snohomish County Meet-Up: Third Thursday of each month, at Diamond Knot Brewpub@MLT, 6:30 pm (5602 232nd St SW)
• Monthly King County Meet-Up: First Thursday of each month at Jerseys, Shoreline, 6:30 pm (1125 N 152nd St off Aurora)